Tuesday, February 10, 2015

China Town

"For I force my mind to become self-absorbed and not let outside things distract it." - Seneca 

How was your day

Mine went like this:

And my favourite photo of today has got to be these 2 Japanese kids. Absolutely lovely kids caught in their moment. 

I am totally dreading this week to be honest. I have so many things to do and places to be at, I want to just watch a movie, go for a nice dinner, a concert, or even just read the books that I bought (I've been buying wayyyy too many books now) .T_T I can't wait for Chinese New Year, I mean, since I don't have much family here to visit, CNY is usually done in 3  hours for me...so that means I have a mini 3 day holiday to catch up on some readings and tv shows. Yay

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