I was looking through my iphone photos and I realised I havent done a blog post on my AMAZING stay at The South Beach hotel in Singapore. The reason for this was that I couldnt post the photos up yet until the hotel was opened so I had to wait before sharing it. I was hosted as a guest at the 5 star hotel even before they were opened to the public, so heres what happened!
I got picked up by a private driver right from my house in Yishun, the elegance of the car and the driver in a suit looked super out of place in the HDB area. It was super funny, my parents were even taking photos all the way up from the floor we lived on. The ride was super badass!! Like a bausss! Anyway, all I could remember from this ride was that I had a super bad stomach ache and I really needed to take a dump asap. Heres me texting Nicole, saying something along the lines of "I really need to use the toilet once I reach the hotel."
But once I reached the hotel, there were SO many people waiting outside for me. I completely forgot about the toilet and my stomach ache. There were so many photographers snapping photos, even my brother (whom I brought along to take photos for me) was shocked...like... "who is my sister?" Even I was confused for awhile. I was presented this large bouquet of lovely flowers and had so many hands to shake. Firm handshake guys....firm handshake... no fish hands. Anyway, everyone was like "Welcome to the south beach Miss Lim" and I was like whoaaaa.................
so now I was shown the lift...which is a feature of this hotel. The hotel is known as a luxury hotel of design with design pieces by Phillip Starke...and this lift is one of them. It changes color and it feels like you're entering a completely different space. Here you can also see how many people there were and entering a lift has never felt more stressful and complicated than this. *inserts laughing emoji* but also, I can say that Ive never had so many people walk me to a lift before. So in a list of Useless Life Goals: More than 10 people showing me to a lift...CHECK!
Now we arrive at the Ladies Floor. The South Beach has a floor dedicated only for ladies. It has an extra security door too, to block out all the men. A thought that I had was probably about how much Oestrogen this floor alone would have.
The Room
I have my own personalised room!? The room is beautiful. And Im not just saying that because I had celebrity treatment that day. I had personalised gifts from the hotel on my bed alongside with Margiela Pajamas to roll around in. At this point I was feeling very overwhelmed, but holy smhokes.... the bed is sooooo comfortable, I just wanted to lie down and listen to Clair De Lune and think of my dog and whether this was real.

Also, I left the room for awhile and when I came back in, there was a bottle of champagne. And then I left the room again, and when I came back, there were big balloons for me. At this point, my brother suggested me leaving the room more and coming back to see if there were anymore new things that would appear. At that point, anything was possible so I actually tried hahahahahahhahaha.
Im not going to attempt to name the food because fancy hotel = fancy food name. I think this was duck and mashed potato. I remember it being some kind of exotic bird. Ugh, this is why I cannot be a food blogger. Anyway, I love potato, anything potato related, I will eat. Which makes me think about The Martian, yknow the movie? The part where he grew potatoes to survive on mars, I was so excited for him, all the possibilities of potatoes!! Mashed, fried, diced, grilled, with butter, with cheese etc etc...but I guess he's on mars so the possibilities are not so vast.
Hotel Facilities
ok guys, The South Beach has a mirrored ping pong table, which is super stylish and modern looking, and also great for checking out your double chin when you look down and attempt to hit the ball. They also have an indoor infinity pool that has an amazing view of the prime areas of Singapore (think: MBS, esplanade, padang...) Super great area to watch the F1 and the national day parade. Also I was told that the security is also super high because great view = great chance of snipers and violent stuff. But anyway, heres me being non violent and avoiding the view of my double chin.
At this point I would like to thank the hotel team Nicole and Sarah for arranging this stay for me. It was a great pleasure being one of the first few guests to stay at The South Beach. Thank you also for these floats which I couldnt use because I was having my period. T_T
The rest of it.
After a whole day of photo shooting and touring the hotel, I had to leave for a meeting with a client. This whole time I was just super excited to end the meeting and go home to my big bed and have a nice bubble bath and drink champange. When I got back to the hotel, it felt like I was returning "home" because the staff all greeted me by name. "Welcome back Miss Lim". Also because there were no guests around (because it wasnt opened yet), the hotel seemed like it was mostly mine which was a very surreal feeling. When I reached my floor, all the staff continued greeting me...it was like the whole hotel knew that I was staying there. Very very surreal.
Anyway, once I got back to the hotel, they prepared my dinner and sent it up to my room. But at this moment, I got a text from my brothers saying that our dog has just died. So I had mixed emotions, here I was at this really fancy hotel room with yummy food with gifts and everything, but my dog died... So I was thinking that there is no better time than this to open up the bottle of champagne and drink to Merc ( our dog). He died of old age, he was very very old, 16 years old. So anyway, if you know me, you'd know that I dont drink at all. I CANT drink. I dont even like the taste of alcohol. But since I had this bottle and was feeling a bit sad, sure why not...
But the problem is, I dont know how to open the bottle. It looked so complicated with the metal wires around the cork. I even googled and youtubed "how to open a champagne bottle", and I was also laughing at the situation because it seemed so comical.. I was imagining me trying to open the bottle and the cork flying out hitting or breaking something... I wouldn't be surprised if that happened because I always find myself in these kinda super awkward and comically unfortunate situations. But thankfully in the end they sent a staff up to help open the bottle ahhahahahhaha. I drank almost half of it in the end, it was the long bath and the news of Merc leaving us...
but anyway~~~~
But the problem is, I dont know how to open the bottle. It looked so complicated with the metal wires around the cork. I even googled and youtubed "how to open a champagne bottle", and I was also laughing at the situation because it seemed so comical.. I was imagining me trying to open the bottle and the cork flying out hitting or breaking something... I wouldn't be surprised if that happened because I always find myself in these kinda super awkward and comically unfortunate situations. But thankfully in the end they sent a staff up to help open the bottle ahhahahahhaha. I drank almost half of it in the end, it was the long bath and the news of Merc leaving us...
but anyway~~~~
The toilets are super big, but the feature I enjoyed the most were the speakers and sound system in the toilet. I could connect to Spotify from their entertainment system and play it in the toilet. AHHhhhhh, the bliss~ just imagine having a nice warm bubble bath with Bill Evans playing jazz and reading Tolstoy. It was super nice, I could have slept there but soaking too long isnt very good I think? I read that people die from soaking too long in warm water. Just google "death by soaking in hot tub". But then again, you can die from ANYTHING apparently....
Break fast in bed!! The South Beach really knows how to pamper their guests. Btw, the Ladies Rooms have hair dryers and pink hair straightener/ curlers, which is AMAZING because everytime I travel, I have to bring mine along to curl my fringe and the ends of my hair so it doesnt look to flat and yknow....but anyway, that concludes my stay at The South Beach, thank you again for having me!! I had such an amazing stay!
Till next time~~~~~~~~~~ ^^
You're officially a superstar now! On another note, I'm very sorry about your dog. RIP.